Thursday, November 3, 2011

Portfolio and resume

My intention for this project was to set up a graphic system based on a grid that allowed me to compose spreads of both single compositions and of multiple images relating to one project. The portfolio is set up at 8" x 8" and the grid has been modified for two different layouts that maintain a similar system to each other. 1/2" margins would allow for the portfolio to be bound, likely 1/4" spiral-bound. On the single image spreads, I intended for the layout to be a simplified version of the grid that provided just what was needed for the image, some accompanying text, and the title portion. For the project spreads, my intent was for one or two key images to be located at the top of the page and supporting smaller images below, but as I demonstrate on page 4 that system can be broken while still adhering to the grid. I have posted two versions of the resume as well, one set up for the back of the portfolio at 8"x8", which adheres to the graphic system strongly; and another at letter size that is more lenient with the grid.

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